Monday, May 31, 2010

"We never know the worth of water until the well is dry"~T. Fuller

To everyone who has been bringing water in jugs from home, thank you for being so patient and understanding!

We have generously been lent 2 very nice water tanks from Kalis Greenhouses {519-443-5151} for the summer and they should be at the site and filled with water later this week.

It looks like there will be rain tonight so hopefully the plants will get a drink.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Garden Plots Available

We were out at the Waterford Community Garden on Wednesday night to register more new farmers. We have a few left and its not too late to get growing!

If you are interested in a plot for this growing season, please email us at or call Jenny Rice at 519-443-0758.

Little Community Gardeners WANTED

" We are Planting Seeds for the Future"

With some planning, having a garden can be fun and rewarding, especially for those who are new at it.

The possibility to grow a beautiful garden where you can eat the rewards are endless. Creating a Vegetable garden is fun and easy to grow. With a little hard work and a lot of dedication, the growing season could be simply delicious for you.
Join us in the garden of fun!

Program cost $5.00/child
$3.00 each additional child in family

Meeting Monday and Wednesday 6:30 to 7:30 and Saturday 10-11am

Call to register today:
Waterford Community Garden
Coordinator: Cheryl Murphy Simon 519-443-7987
or email: garden

Open May to October 2010

How does your garden grow??

The WCG is conveniently located right beside Country Coffee/Blazin Burgers on Old Hwy 24 in Waterford. The land has been generously donated by Tony Yin for the 2010 growing season.

On a very wet and muddy May 22, a very dedicated group of gardeners came out to the garden site to help measure out plots, erect our handsome sign and spread a lot of mulch (donated by Harold Pepper and Sons Limited 519-426-2246) to make walkways.

It was our first morning of registration and we had gardeners come out and pick their plot locations for the summer and 2 gardens got planted right before the downpour at noon.

We will have a water tank on the site soon for handwatering plots, this is becoming more and ore urgent with this May heatwave.

When you see someone out in the garden, please feel free to stop and ask them what they are growing!!

"a place to grow together"

Welcome to the Waterford Community Garden - a not-for-profit project sponsored by the Outreach Committee of the Waterford United Church, Waterford, Ontario Canada.

Who Are We?
The Outreach Committee of the WUC – is a forward thinking community minded group that raise awareness and fund raise for Mission and Service worldwide and in our own community.
The Waterford Community Garden is a non-profit project that we hope to turn into a community run organization with support from the OC.

Why a Community Garden?

We have a vision of a beautiful garden where like-minded people of every age, background and neighborhood will come together to share experiences, ideas and friendship in the name of growing our own food. We believe that people can become more self sufficient and more healthful through education about what we eat and how to grow it. Growing our own food is the first step in learning other new skills such as cooking with real food and preserving what we grow for winter. Trying something new and living off the land is powerful.

Our garden is plots of land measuring 9' x 12' that growers are assigned for the season and are responsible to take care of. If growers feel that they need more space, they can join 2 or more plots together. Growers must maintain their plot of land and the public garden area immediately surrounding it. Growers are encouraged to grow any annuals they wish – herbs, vegetables, flowers.
There is a nominal fee of $10.00 for each plot to help pay for garden essentials.